Time Management: Packing and Sorting

Probably you know the picture of a jar filled with large pebbles, then smaller ones settle in the gaps and finally sand that fills the last gaps. This is exactly how my first team leader explained time management to me. He couldn’t have described it more wrongly.

But what is the purpose of time management? Think for two minutes about this question and decide for yourself before you read on. Continue reading “Time Management: Packing and Sorting”

Time management: A couch potato renders important things urgent

Well, let’s come to a very hard nutshell in personal time management, which are tasks that are important but not urgent. Such tasks might be immensely important, completed at the right point in time, perhaps help you to make a career move, or have bad consequences if you postpone them too long. In addition, such items are constant companions in moving targets. Then tasks become a demotivator only, means get rid of them fast. Continue reading “Time management: A couch potato renders important things urgent”

Time management: only touch things once

I am in the process of writing a vade mecum – this is nothing more than a small pocket reference but a nice word – about time management with Kanban. It’s still a little bit down to completion, so I decided to publish some useful chapters in advance. Continue reading “Time management: only touch things once”