The “Everybody has such a thing at home” game

Yesterday we arranged a virtual Christmas party via teams in the team. In the end it was 4 hours of games, gifts and entertainment, it was really nice – within the actual range of possibilities. In the process, we invented a game that I’m happy to share with you. And it goes like this:

The host names items that you have to get in your house. Run, search, find, then:

  1. Hold the object briefly in front of the camera
  2. Write the requested name in the chat
  3. Now as evidence hold up the object again

The 3 quickest will be ranked, it is important that the written word in the chat window matters. Remember to clear the chat window before the first round. If necessary, turn off the background effect, because it hides objects. And please also take barriers out of the running path, please take off cable handsets carefully and remember, it’s just a game. Run through the house with care and caution.

The game starts with very simple objects. For example, a tea bag, the moderator now says “I need the flavor of a tea bag in the chat” now you run out, get a tea bag, hold it briefly in the camera and type in “chamomile”, “winter apple dream” or similar.

Now in the progress of the game there are items that not everyone has in the household. Then get some substitute, be as creative as possible. If you don’t have a tea bag, then coffee beans or a bottle of iced tea or, or,…. Whether your substitute items are valid or whether there is even a place 4 for particularly creative substitute, that decides only the host. The players are of course allowed to tell the moderator off or to influence the decision. I can already tell you that drawings of the objects or even pictures searched by cell phone on the Internet hardly have a chance with me.


But be careful, it can also be 2 items that belong together, e.g. shoe and socks. The host will always announce it so that you can run after the second item. “I need 2 items, in the chat please type the color of a shoe and don’t forget to bring a sock”.

Also with what you need to type in, it can be brand names, properties, colors, weights or memories. The moderator always holds examples of the items in the camera and, while you are still looking for them, types them in as examples for his objects. If you have forgotten whether to type in the brand name of your shoe or the color, look in the chat, it will say “black” if the moderator has held up a black shoe plus sock.

And by the way, don’t rush off, sometimes it is faster to reflect. With socks and shoes, most people will just have to hold their leg up to the camera. Don’t forget to type in “brown” very quickly. The order in the chat counts. And please everyone, do not cheat, some people are tempted to write the word in the chat and get the objects afterwards. The game is for fun and the host can not keep his eyes everywhere.

I hope you like this idea, if you need anything else, examples or a rating matrix, contact me. I’ll be happy to share it.

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